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Allergy Test
An allergic reaction occurs when your immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless substance as a threat and takes extreme defensive action. Our allergy test can check for nearly 300 relevant allergen sources (except drug allergens, such as penicillin).
Altitude Sickness Medicines & Treatment
Our Altitude Sickness Treatment Service caters to adventurers who plan to explore high-altitude destinations, whether you are a seasoned trekker or a first-time mountain climber.
Blood Pressure Monitoring Service
Our Blood Pressure Monitoring Service can potentially increase the detection of hypertension within local populations. It can positively impact health inequalities by targeting people who do not routinely see their GP or use other NHS services.
Chickenpox Vaccination Service
The chickenpox vaccine reduces the number of cases of chickenpox, which can be harmful, especially in young children. Since 1992, the UK has offered the vaccination, which is estimated to provide long-term viral immunity to 90% of recipients.
Cholera Vaccination Service
Cholera is a disease characterised by profuse, watery diarrhoea caused by certain toxin-producing forms of the bacteria called Vibrio cholera.
Dengue Fever Vaccination Service
Dengue Fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquito. It is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions and affects millions annually. Vaccination is not recommended for individuals with no previous dengue infection.
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) Vaccination Service
Diphtheria, tetanus and polio (DTP) are serious diseases that can cause long-term health problems. The DTP vaccine is a single injection given into the muscle of the upper arm to boost protection against three diseases: tetanus, diphtheria and polio.
Ear Wax Removal Service
Too much wax build-up in the ear can cause hearing problems. We provide professional earwax removal to keep your ears clean and clear. Our highly experienced staff will examine your ears and securely remove any wax build-up.
Erectile Dysfunction Service
1 in 5 men can experience erectile dysfunction. If you have erectile dysfunction (ED), difficulty getting or keeping an erection; there is treatment and support available to help you.
Hair Loss Treatment Service
Hair loss can be a distressing and challenging experience, affecting individuals of all ages and genders. Effective hair loss treatments in the UK have seen remarkable advancements and offer diverse options for those who suffer from this condition.
Hay Fever Treatment
Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is common in the UK. More than 10 million people in England alone suffer from it each year, and experts estimate that around one in four people are affected at some point throughout their life.
Hepatitis A Vaccination Service
Hepatitis A is a highly infectious virus that can cause liver inflammation. The virus is usually transmitted through food or water contaminated by human faeces or by contact with an infectious person.
Hepatitis B Vaccination Service
Hepatitis B is a liver infection spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluids. The chance of getting it in the UK is low. The Hepatitis B vaccine can protect you if you are at high risk or travelling to a country where it's more common.
HPV Vaccination Service
There are many types of HPV; some are called "high risk" because they cause cervical cancer, anal cancer, genital cancer, and head and neck cancer. Other types can result in conditions like warts or verrucas.
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination Service
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is transmitted to humans in predominantly rural parts of Asia and the Pacific Rim, where rice cultivation and pig farming are common.
Malaria Tablets
Malaria is a severe and potentially life-threatening disease transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. You can die from it if it is not diagnosed and treated quickly.
Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) Vaccination Service
Measles, mumps, and rubella are highly contagious diseases with serious or sometimes deadly consequences, such as deafness, meningitis, or brain enlargement. Although outbreaks are uncommon in the UK, it is crucial to keep your vaccine status up to date.
Meningitis ACWY Vaccination Service
Meningococcal disease is a rare but potentially devastating infection in travellers caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. The meningitis ACWY vaccine offers protection against meningococcal groups A, C, W and Y.
Meningitis B Vaccination Service
Meningococcal disease is a rare but potentially devastating infection. The MenB vaccination will protect against roughly nine out of every ten strains of meningococcal group B bacteria currently circulating in the UK.
NHS ENT Assessment Service
The NHS Leeds CCG Community Pharmacy ENT Assessment Service aims to provide eligible patients with self-care advice for treating minor ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions.
NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service (PCS)
The PCS is a free NHS service available from Midway Pharmacy that provides people with greater choice and access when considering starting or continuing their current form of oral contraceptives.
NHS Pharmacy First Service
The Pharmacy First Service is a pioneering approach that leverages the expertise of community pharmacists to provide prompt and convenient healthcare services for common ailments.
Period Delay Tablets
We can prescribe tablets if you want to be period-free for a big event or holiday. The tablets contain a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone.
Private Blood Tests
The results of a blood test can provide insight into an individual's health, allowing healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions about treatment options.
Private Prescription Service
Convenient and personalised, our private prescription service can provide quick access to medications without doctor's appointments. Our experienced team ensures your well-being by offering expert guidance and tailored treatment options for your needs.
Rabies Vaccination Service
Rabies occurs in warm-blooded mammals and is transmitted to humans, most often by a bite or scratch from an infected animal, usually a dog.
Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) Vaccination Service
Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral infection that affects the central nervous system. It is endemic to many European countries and may cause various diseases, from mild, short-lived illnesses to more severe life-threatening ones.
Travel Health Advice Service
This service includes a full telephone consultation to determine your travel health requirements.
Typhoid Vaccination Service
Typhoid and paratyphoid are infections acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi or Salmonella Paratyphi.
UTI Treatment
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect your urinary tract, including your bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis) or kidneys (kidney infection). Cystitis can be painful or irritating and can become more severe if the infection spreads to the kidneys.
Vitamin B12 Injection Service
Vitamin B12 deficiency is a growing problem in the UK and affects thousands of people throughout the country. Vitamin B12 injections are a highly effective method of treating a deficiency. If you can provide proof of deficiency, you can use this service.
Weight Loss Service
Struggling to lose weight? Our pharmacy-led weight loss program offers Wegovy (Semaglutide) & Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) - clinically proven, once-weekly injections that reduce appetite, support sustainable weight loss, and improve overall health.
Whooping Cough Vaccination Service
The whooping cough vaccine is safe and effective and helps protect against whooping cough, which can be severe in young children. You can help protect yourself and your loved ones from this disease by getting vaccinated.
Yellow Fever Vaccination Service
Yellow Fever (YF) virus can cause an illness that results in jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and bleeding with severe damage to the major organs (e.g. liver, kidneys and heart). The mortality rate is high in those who develop severe disease.
Blood Tests
Blood tests are laboratory tests used to measure various components in a person’s blood. They are a safe and easy way to access vital information about the health of your body.
Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Care
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) treatment in the UK is becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of the body's delicate balance. The treatment involves looking after nose, ear and throat conditions to ensure optimal health.
Men's Health
The UK has a high death rate from preventable illnesses among men, making it essential for men to be aware of their health and take proactive steps to prevent further harm.
Sexual Health
Sexual health is a vital part of overall physical and mental health. In the UK, sexual health is an essential part of public health. Despite having high healthcare standards, sexual health in the UK still faces particular challenges.
Travel Clinic
Vaccinations are critical for protecting you and your loved ones while on holiday. You must also have received the appropriate vaccinations in order for your travel insurance to be valid.
Travel Vaccinations
Includes a list of all the travel vaccines available privately and on the NHS and who should have them.
Vaccines are a simple and safe way to prevent serious infections. They boost your immune system's antibody production and are usually given as injections.
Women's Health
Women's health in the UK is an important issue that has received increasing attention in recent years. In general, women's health across the UK is improving.