Your local pharmacy serving the community.
Delivering an excellent level of care and service within an honest, friendly, and professional environment. We are proud that our pharmacies act as a first port of call for healthcare advice in the communities they serve.
Book your travel vaccinations online
Vaccinations are critical for protecting you and your loved ones while on holiday. You must also have received the appropriate vaccinations in order for your travel insurance to be valid.

Popular pharmacy services
Midway Pharmacy offers a wide range of services to help you stay healthy while in the country or travelling abroad on holiday or for business.
Blood Pressure Monitoring Service
Our Blood Pressure Monitoring Service can potentially increase the detection of hypertension within local populations. It can positively impact health inequalities by targeting people who do not routinely see their GP or use other NHS services.
Erectile Dysfunction Service
1 in 5 men can experience erectile dysfunction. If you have erectile dysfunction (ED), difficulty getting or keeping an erection; there is treatment and support available to help you.
Hay Fever Treatment
Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is common in the UK. More than 10 million people in England alone suffer from it each year, and experts estimate that around one in four people are affected at some point throughout their life.
Hepatitis B Vaccination Service
Hepatitis B is a liver infection spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluids. The chance of getting it in the UK is low. The Hepatitis B vaccine can protect you if you are at high risk or travelling to a country where it's more common.
NHS Pharmacy Contraception Service (PCS)
The PCS is a free NHS service available from Midway Pharmacy that provides people with greater choice and access when considering starting or continuing their current form of oral contraceptives.
Period Delay Tablets
We can prescribe tablets if you want to be period-free for a big event or holiday. The tablets contain a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone.
Service categories
Midway Pharmacy offers a wide range of services to help you stay healthy while in the country or travelling abroad on holiday or for business.
Blood Tests
Blood tests are laboratory tests used to measure various components in a person’s blood. They are a safe and easy way to access vital information about the health of your body.
Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Care
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) treatment in the UK is becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of the body's delicate balance. The treatment involves looking after nose, ear and throat conditions to ensure optimal health.
Men's Health
The UK has a high death rate from preventable illnesses among men, making it essential for men to be aware of their health and take proactive steps to prevent further harm.
Sexual Health
Sexual health is a vital part of overall physical and mental health. In the UK, sexual health is an essential part of public health. Despite having high healthcare standards, sexual health in the UK still faces particular challenges.
Vaccines are a simple and safe way to prevent serious infections. They boost your immune system's antibody production and are usually given as injections.
Women's Health
Women's health in the UK is an important issue that has received increasing attention in recent years. In general, women's health across the UK is improving.